Running Adventures of a Trail Brat

Ready for the weekend!


The Arty Runnerchick: Cait Choke

The Arty Runnerchick: Cait Choke

With the holidays over and getting used to the girls still being on summer vacation until February, it is time to get back at completing those long training runs. In New Zealand and being on a tight budget, I do not have the luxury of running to my local Winco and buying several Back Country bars to keep on hand for long runs. Instead, I need to rely on making easy to carry treats that will satisfy me while running the long miles and spending hours on my feet. I don’t mind. However, it does take a little extra planning to wipe up a batch of something.

To start with I revisited the Raw Date Newtons recipe I found from The Pancake Princess. I discovered this recipe before running the Kepler Challenge in December. In my first attempt at making the dough, I added some hemp protein for its alkaline properties. However, the dough was dry and it was difficult to roll the dough out. I was also limited for time, so I ended up mixing my dough and filling together and formed little ball-shaped energy bites. It worked and there was not a single one left by the time I was done with the race 9 1/2 hours later. So, today was round #2. Below is my modified recipe:


1/4 c ground almond

1/4 c ground flax

1/4 c oats

1/4 c hemp flour

1 tsp maca

pinch of salt

2 Tbsp honey

2 Tbsp coconut milk


1 c dates, soaked in hot water for at least an hour

1/4 tsp vanilla

Making the dough

In a food processor, combine ground almond and flax meal, oats, hemp flour, maca and salt. Process until well blended with a flour-like consistency. Add honey and continue to process until the mixture starts to clump. If the mixture seems dry, add milk 1/2 Tbsp at a time until the mixture sticks together. (On this attempt, this required 2 Tbsp of coconut milk before I got a ball of dough that help together well.) Remove the mixture from the food processor and place on thin cutting mat (our rental house in New Zealand has those thin plastic cutting boards, I’ll be using my Pampered Chef Pastry Mat). Roll dough into a rectangular shape approximately 1/4″ thick. Set aside to make filling.

Making the filling

Combine dates and vanilla in a food processor and process until a spreadable paste forms.

Assembling the Date Newton

Spread paste lengthwise along one half of the rolled out dough. Fold the side of the dough without the paste over the date paste and press along the outer seam to seal.

I know it sort of looks like a turd. But, please, don't judge this treat by its looks. :) The scrapes from this version of the recipe was easy to roll out again and again.

I know it sort of looks like a turd. But, please, don’t judge this treat by its looks. ๐Ÿ™‚
The scrapes from this version of the recipe was easy to roll out again and again.

Slice into bite size pieces.

Raw Date Newton ready to eat.

Raw Date Newton ready to eat.

Store in an airtight container. I store these in the freezer and pull them out as I need them. Otherwise, they will disappear in a day.

These are yummy and convenient snacks and provide great energy for those long runs.

Next up, time to grind up some chickpeas to make Chickpea Tortillas.

2 thoughts on “Ready for the weekend!

  1. Sorry to hear it was difficult to roll the dough out, but I’m glad you soldiered on and found another way to enjoy them ๐Ÿ™‚ I adjusted my recipe to indicate that you can add more milk if your dough seems to stiff–thanks for the feedback! And I can’t wait to hear how your chickpea tortillas go!

  2. Pingback: Fueled by Chickpeas | Running Adventures of a Trail Brat

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